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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Related / use to play tracks
Hey. Great work đź‘Š

Now to a topic i wish you could find a solution to.

I have been switching between RB and VDJ for many years.

But now only ise VDJ due to there stems.

The biggest thing I miss in VDJ and cant find a solution is the related track function.

And tips how to set points/shortcuts for next song to select tracks fast.

I love this in RB when I do live mashups and quickmixes and very useful in emergency

Link to what i meen:


Posted Wed 25 Oct 23 @ 3:51 pm
don't have Instagram so I can't see what you mean, but I'll assume you mean, a linked list.
There's a plugin called Sticky that does that and optionally a bit more. [like suggest tracks with 1 degree of separation]
I just submitted an update just now that I've been sat on for 6 months.
the current version will let you get a feel for it, the new version, sends the result to a sideview shortcut

Really still amazed something like this isn't integrated in to the main exe.

Literally hundreds of people have asked for this over the years but we've had features implemented that hardly anyone uses.

2 & 1/4 years with 10k downloads, so not that popular, but it isn't front and centre to be seen for downloading.

Shame; I thought the suggestion on 1 degree of separation was pretty clever.


I currently use Locodog's Sticky**... a lot. love it..

And agree, it would be sooooo much better if that functionality was built into VDJ directly, as in Recordbox, in OP's video, OR in djay Pro AI v4 see video:

Or some other way of creating links to Related tracks, allowing for a full integration into the VDJ software creating that even more amazing and seamless experience.

** http://www.virtualdj.com/forums/241583/Addons/sticky.html?page=1

kradcliffe wrote :
Really still amazed something like this isn't integrated in to the main exe.

Literally hundreds of people have asked for this over the years but we've had features implemented that hardly anyone uses.


lol; I was just playing around with an idea, this isn't as powerful as sticky but you can store suggestions as action poi in the track, you don't even need a tag or a plugin, the poi can be written in a way to send tracks to the sidelist as it's played.

That reminds me I did a massive amount of linking to 2-3 tracks the other day, I need to check what the cross references pull up, that's always exciting.


…it would be sooooo much better if that functionality was built into VDJ directly, as in Recordbox, in OP's video, OR in djay Pro AI v4 see video:

This would fit quite well in the info panel to the right of the side list, or maybe as a tab in the side list?

I swear I don't understand the wish to have it integrated
This is what sticky returns, a list of songs you chose,

what difference would it being integrated make? And don't say "seemless" because you still need 2 buttons to set and a button to recall, so mine is as seemless

it doesn't need another panel, it doesn't need to sit in the info pane, sideview is the panel for that kind of thing.
I find it infuriating, I make stuff and nobody says anything, no suggestions, nothing, can't even answer why integrated is any better.

An extra tab on the sidelist / automix panel where it looks at previously related tracks from history and you can also add your own would be great, and I guess that's what Sticky already is.

I guess people feel more comfortable with an integrated solution than a plugin.

I currently use Locodog's Sticky**... a lot. love it..

And do use it every time I use VDJ .. and have integrated it as fully as I can into VDJ.

Integrated into the skin:
(clicking the yellow list buttons gives me the related tracks, either in browser or sideview, which are highlighted if a related file exists for the loaded track.)

Integrated into Launchpad and Controller:
Duplicated skin buttons on a Launchpad Bank, and few duplicated to unused, Controller shift-functions.. for easy access.

and have additional, buttons on skin, and launchpad, to add Browsed track to master decks sticky (related list) and diff button to do relate master track to a browsed track.

1) yet still not easy to edit the list of related tracks,
Attempting to manually edit the tag editor group field, which one cannot see fully without first coping and then pasting to an editor.. one would see..
netsearch://tdxxxxxxx|netsearch://bpxxxxxxx|LOCAL TRACK|netsearch://bpxxxxxxx|LOCAL TRACK|netsearch://bpxxxxxxx ......... |LOCAL TRACK|netsearch://tdxxxxxxx
Now issue is ... which track actually do I wish to remove.. ie which tdxxxxxx.
after determining which track to remove.. that can be modified, in say notepad, and repasted to the group field.
So many steps..

would be so much easier if this and other actions needed could be integrated more seamlessly into VDJ.. allowing more access to the database changes.
So in above case a listed related track(s) could be just removed from the relation, with some right click menu option. such as: Remove Related

2) and maybe this is/was not the intention of Sticky.. but I like to have groups of tracks that I can recall that work well together, at times. If I would like to have/build, even a small group of say 5 tracks, I need to insure that each of the 5 tracks has the the other 4 sticky-ed... which takes a bit of juggling. and concentration..

IE. track 1 has to be associated with each track 2, track 3, track 4 and track 5.
and track 2 has to be Sticky-ed to Track 1, track 3, track 4 and track 5.
etc .. you get the idea of all the steps required.. (much work for 5 tracks)
NOT SOMETHING ONE CAN DO ON THE FLY (and maybe this could never be done, depends on if this could be implemented into the "Related" feature, to have a checkbox, to allow, make the additonal grouping associations automatically)

easy if only wished for 2 tracks to be related.

Would be much easier if the group could be all dragged to make the association.
note: I have mentioned this in previous posts.

And if one wishes to modify the related group of 5 tracks .. see 1) above.

Again .. LOVE Sticky.. and use it all the time .. Thank you so much, Locodog. for creating clever and so useful additions..
(don't know what I would do without Sticky)

and yet would love it to be integrated more fully into VDJ
(integration within VDJ would allow for more elegant ways to interface with the database's stored associations)

maybe there are solutions to 1) and 2) above that I am not aware of, when using Sticky

2 I made a script that does that, everything linked to everything, see sticky thread, although at that point why aren't you making a playlist or virtualfolder?

removal I'll think on, I could use singer as a command box

SEE this is what happens when feedback is given, stuff happens.

before Sticky .. I had my main Playlist/Virtual Folder and then created subfolders (each w track name) to hold the "groups" of tracks to be related to each, if needed. Again much work.
(now with Sticky the subfolder info is stored in the grouping field, much better)

I always felt it would be cool if one could special click** a track and it would temporarily open a sublist of tracks associated with it, just below it in the browser.. (maybe diff color or diff font.. or indented)..
Those main tracks in the folder, that have associations (related tracks) would have an icon indicator.

This would be like looking below the browsed track, to see the related tracks, if desired.

This is another way of possibly allowing for more integration, quicker access w ease, once the associations are created.
(note: the associated drop-down list would not be sensitive to any current active quick filters, just display the list)

currently with Sticky and many.. quickfilters..
I frankenstein my way to finding the next track I am feeling at the moment.

** special click .. could be middle mouse click or shift L-click or any thing not used. (or button in a specific column, or location on the browsed track)
Or, tracks with related tracks would have a, drop-down button near the tracks icon, on the left.


When I go to install the Sticky add-on it says PC only. I’m on Mac. So this would be one reason why “related tracks” should be a core feature. Readily available to all users and maintained by Atomix. Also, being in the core could maybe allow for tighter integration with DB/UI than is possible in a plugin — I don’t know?

Locodog, I am sure that all users on this forum just love all the advanced (sometimes mad professor class) stuff you share here, and how you always help out us n00bs. Kudos! 👍🏻♥️


Getting a related tracks feature for MacOS would be awesome

wow kinda surprised this isn't a feature yet, will check out sticky

Guys I would like to see double deck support even if the tracks are different
(playing song 1 on Deck A and song 2 on Deck C but in Double Deck mode so that I can control two songs with 1 jog wheel during stem mashup mixing)

So what you are describing sounds like dual deck mode (see dualdeckmode and dualdeckmode_decks in the list of VDJScript actions) and it already exists (it's used in the DJM S11 mapper, amongst other controllers), but I'm not sure if it works for jogs automatically (it doesn't for DVS timecode AFAIK). If it doesn't work automatically, you'll have to use some logic to combine touchwheel/motorwheel actions with the dualdeckmode state, combining the decks you need (e.g. something like deck 1 touchwheel & deck 3 touchwheel).
Maybe the devs/locodog have more info on expectations here.