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Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

Topic: Video effects..............(Please??) - Page: 1

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It's been quite sometime since I've seen any new effects.

For me it's about video effects mainly. Yes we have some but I would like to see better quailty effects. I'd like to see video effects like Mix Emergency has. I'd also like a way to smooth the video transitions like Mix Emergency does also. I'd like to see beat synced video effects.

Basiclly I'd love to us with the same style effects as Mix Emergency.

Please, please can we get some better video effects?? And yes for both Mac & PC, please........

Posted Sun 18 Jan 15 @ 9:37 am
beatbreaker1 wrote :
It's been quite sometime since I've seen any new effects.

I've got lots up in the air at the moment, both effect and non-effect related.

beatbreaker1 wrote :
For me it's about video effects mainly. Yes we have some but I would like to see better quailty effects. I'd like to see video effects like Mix Emergency has. I'd also like a way to smooth the video transitions like Mix Emergency does also. I'd like to see beat synced video effects.

I also like a nice smooth video transition - I use a plugin I created that does an auto video transition (selectable for seconds or beats) when the crossfader hits a configurable %. This gives me smooth transitions without me having the fader linked, or having to manually remember to transition the video.

beatbreaker1 wrote :
Please, please can we get some better video effects?? And yes for both Mac & PC, please........

There is stuff coming, but effect creation - especially for two completely different platforms - is a time consuming task.

I guess I get frustrated because VDJ has raised the bar in so many areas except effects. I also get upset because I know your only 1 man Scott and you can only do so much at a time. Eitherway Ive been here for awhile and I doubt Ill be leaving anytime soon, lol, so if theres anything I can do I will.

Thanks for keeping me posted.

Just a thought but maybe you and the team could work out a deal with Nick over at Inklen so his effects would work with VDJ then the Mac side would have some badass effects plus more functionality all in one shot........

Even if we had to pay I wouldn't hesitate!!

Paging Scott 😜

Is there any chance we could please get "SBDJ VIDEOBARS" ported over to the Mac side??


Sure, I can do an 8 PC/Mac version of that.

I just need more video effects and transitions.

I don't if it's because I practice and have gotten used to what we have already and I'm bored with or we really have a need for this stuff??

Either way I need more 😜

Ok I'm just speaking out loud here,

But is there any way to make ME (Mix Emergency) effects and transitions work with VDJ??

I would pay for this if it could happen 💰💵💸

You're on Mac, right? Have you tried GLSL, pixel shaders? SBDJ mentioned earlier that he's using them on Mac VDJ8.

See here: https://www.shadertoy.com/

Hope he'll jump in to clear this up.

I use both PC and Mac and I think they're both lacking but yeah I remember seeing that.

Thanks for the link, I'll read up tonight when I get home 👍


4 months later since I made his post and really nothing has changed here on the ole VDJ forums and the effects section is still lacking..........

Maybe next month.

Im hoping for something for the Mac side, anything???

You guys can not be satisfied with what we now when compared to other program? Come on team its time to get serious, can't y'all give Nick over at Inklen a call and see if something can worked out??

When I release stuff it's generally cross-platform now. I've been tied up with a few other things lately which has meant I haven't had as much plugin dev time as usual.

I don't even know what to think anymore, SDJ/M.E. is looking like a better fit with every passing week 😔 and no that's not threat. There's things they do that VDJ doesn't. I thought with the arrival of 8 things would really step up but it's been the complete opposite.


There's very little SDJ/ME can do that VDJ8 can't. Very very little. There is plenty that VDJ8 can do that neither of those can.

I have a bunch of things in the works but the more complicated ones take time and it's not my priority right now, there are tasks higher up my development list I'm afraid.


Well those few things are the things I need.......Plus M.E. transitions are much more smoother (because theres an option to smooth them, VDJ doesn't have this) & effects are much, much more robust, anyone whos used it will say the same thing. And with VDJ theres always some sort of script that has to be done in order to get things to work. I don't have time to learn how to do this and Im not 1 to depend on others. Also Im strictly talking about the video effect side of things cause I don't use VDJ or SDJ audio effects, maybe SDJ when using a controller because they have post fader effects but I really don't use software audio effects.

Maybe its time the team branches out cause it seems there putting a lot on you and its effecting the whole chain in a negative way. Im just frustrated that we get told things will be released in a week or so and then I wait 3 weeks only to be told that its still not gonna be released and that now theres no timeframe for when it will be released...........And that's not a dig at you Scott, its just a fact and many forum posts show that.

beatbreaker1 wrote :
Plus M.E. transitions are much more smoother (because theres an option to smooth them, VDJ doesn't have this)

Depends how you do the transition. A timed transition is smooth, plus a transition can also control it's own timing and be as smooth as butter if it wants.

beatbreaker1 wrote :
effects are much, much more robust

Robust as in don't have issues? What issues are there with the VDJ effects?

beatbreaker1 wrote :
with VDJ theres always some sort of script that has to be done in order to get things to work.

There is no scripting involved in using video effects?!

beatbreaker1 wrote :
Maybe its time the team branches out cause it seems there putting a lot on you and its effecting the whole chain in a negative way. Im just frustrated that we get told things will be released in a week or so and then I wait 3 weeks only to be told that its still not gonna be released and that now theres no timeframe for when it will be released...........And that's not a dig at you Scott, its just a fact and many forum posts show that.

The team aren't putting anything on me. Earlier this year I made the transition from working in support full-time here at Atomix (and doing plugin development in my own time) to working in the development team full-time alongside sclavel and adion. This has meant I've had a lot to learn and a lot to do, which coupled with a house move sandwiched in the middle has eroded the time I've had for plugin development.

I've just pushed that Squares transition publically :-p

Ok I can see were gonna play around here, lmmfao!!

So the only way to get a smooth transition is an automatically timed transition?? Really?? With ME you click the smoothing option in the setting and the transitions aren't jerky and Im sure you already know this. As for using a timed transition that's not an option for me...........

Robust meaning looking better, better features. With ME I have many options when it comes to how they'll react, again you already know about this because you yourself have used ME and have even talked to Nick (asked about data points for launching lighting cues in lighting software)..........

As for no script needed yes this is true to an extent. ME has a sequencer and its pretty cool. the amount if things that can be done with that alone are badass but again you already know about the sequencer and you nearly had 1 made a few years ago but I quit asking about and you've never mentioned it again...............

And you've proven my point. They do need more then just you when it comes to plugin development because life happens. We need smoother, better looking video effects and this includes QTZ support which is offered in every other video playing software out there and has been for quite some time now yet here we are with nothing still. Supporting QTZ files alone would help out a ton!!

But it is what it is and you wont hear anymore outta me, seems like Im the only who doesn't wanna settle for mediocre effects...............Peace, Love and Chicken grease.

And Thanks for the squares.

