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Topic: GTS-2K21 - Page: 2
Nice Skin great Job! how can i switch the wave to vertical?

Posted Fri 01 Jan 21 @ 2:31 pm
Just Notice this but the cues on the right side deck doesn't display fully. Love the skin but i wish it had an option to change the wave to vertical.

Posted Sat 02 Jan 21 @ 7:47 am

Posted Sat 02 Jan 21 @ 7:48 am
There is no vertical waveforms option on this skin yet.
I will see if I can add one.

As for pads, try to change pads style option. Most likely the cutoff is due to resizing. What's your screen resolution so that I can try to reproduce ? The skin is designed for 1920x1080 screen res.

Posted Sun 03 Jan 21 @ 7:10 pm
The Blendmaster wrote :
... Bigger video screens. 😇 that's it. 🙏🏽

Update 1.1.2 has bigger video screens (switch Video Size to Extended from Skin Menu (GTS button on top bar))

Posted Sun 03 Jan 21 @ 7:32 pm
DJ_Simba_XO wrote :
Just Notice this but the cues on the right side deck doesn't display fully. Love the skin but i wish it had an option to change the wave to vertical.

Version 1.2 has now optional Vertical Scratch Waves instead of mixer on Central Area.

Posted Fri 15 Jan 21 @ 11:36 am
PhantomDeejay wrote :
DJ_Simba_XO wrote :
Just Notice this but the cues on the right side deck doesn't display fully. Love the skin but i wish it had an option to change the wave to vertical.

Version 1.2 has now optional Vertical Scratch Waves instead of mixer on Central Area.

When you switch from compact or compact and Sterns (Central Area) to Scratch Wide the left Side Channel go Blank, All Others Central Area Work Fine.!!!

Posted Fri 15 Jan 21 @ 8:12 pm
PhantomDeejay wrote :
[quote=DJ_Simba_XO]Just Notice this but the cues on the right side deck doesn't display fully. Love the skin but i wish it had an option to change the wave to vertical.

Version 1.2 has now optional Vertical Scratch Waves instead of mixer on Central Area.

Posted Fri 15 Jan 21 @ 8:14 pm
[quote=PhantomDeejay][quote=DJ_Simba_XO]Just Notice this but the cues on the right side deck doesn't display fully. Love the skin but i wish it had an option to change the wave to vertical.

Version 1.2 has now optional Vertical Scratch Waves instead of mixer on Central Area.

When you switch from compact or compact and Sterns (Central Area) to Scratch Wide the left Side Channel go Blank on V1.2, All Others Central Area Work Fine. Thanks for the Update and Vertical Waves.!!!


Posted Fri 15 Jan 21 @ 8:16 pm
Thank you for pointing this one out.
Version 1.2.1 is up with this bug fixed.

Posted Sat 16 Jan 21 @ 5:57 pm
Hi PhantomDeejay,

Just found this skin & really works well for my needs but i have a question to do with the grouping tags.

I notice when you press the "Set Grouping" button your tags look like this #TAG# with a list & sub list of predefined tags, this is great & works well if you use all your predefined tags.

Two part question - How easy/hard would it be for me to do an edit & change the hashtags #TAG# to brackets [TAG] (this is how I've set up my tags) also then to change your predefined Tags to what I use as Tags.

I'm note overly experienced with coding on an xml file & just wondered how easy/hard this may be?
The overall look & feel is very slick, just a minor tweak for me!


Posted Thu 21 Jan 21 @ 2:54 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
All groups tags are in form '#\w+#'
you can change everything
regex: '#(\w+)?#' with '\[\1\]'

for example using notepad++ (the regex above are notepad++ compliant)
note there are many tags in Greek maybe you can add yours there or add other submenu

note : the brackets have a special meaning in VDJ Skin Engine (placeholders) better take care with them

Posted Thu 21 Jan 21 @ 5:12 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
some combined tags contain a sharp # that have to manually change to ']['
these one have to be manually fixed or won't be detected

some unicode values are not detected correctly and have to manually apply
'#Λαϊκές Μπαλάντες#'"
'#POP Μπαλάντες#'"
if not ... they still are detected correctly with sharp

Posted Thu 21 Jan 21 @ 5:57 pm
Well, instead of using regex (and risk breaking things) just search for
<define class="bt_Grouping">

This button holds all the code and it's defined only once.
Change the lines with any text values you like.
You can remove, or you can add as many lines as you like.

Changing the text itself and the sharps should be straight forward once you see the code:
<item text="Club" action="browsed_song 'grouping' '#Club#'" check="get_browsed_song 'grouping' & param_contains '#Club#'"/>

Now simply change Club and #Club# to the values you want (e.g. EDM):
<item text="EDM" action="browsed_song 'grouping' '[EDM]'" check="get_browsed_song 'grouping' & param_contains '[EDM]'"/>

Simple as that...

PS: At latest skin version the '<define class="bt_Grouping">' is located on line 1297
Of course the line number will most probably change on a future update, that's why searching for it is better.
Also you may want to delete the lines that have visibility attribute on them.
They are mostly for personal usage. Instead of maintaining 2 different skin files (one for personal usage and one for public release) I just used the visibility attribute to hide stuff you'd normally don't want to see.

Posted Thu 21 Jan 21 @ 6:23 pm
Also @nicotux the Greek ones have a visibility attribute on them.
They are visible only on myself and 2 friends of mine, since most people wouldn't care about Greek categories.
I covered up in the previous post why they do exist and why they are not visible. :)

Posted Thu 21 Jan 21 @ 6:36 pm
That works a treat, thank you.

As with these things one question leads to another! Sorry I have no concept if this is easy or hard.

How could you keep pre existing tags so that it’s just adding to & not deleting what is already there, personal to me I appreciate but I may have 3 or 4 different tags for a single track! I’ve actually done this with an excel doc but it’s a really laborious & time consuming act coping out of excel & then pasting into iTunes (not everyone’s cup of tea but works for me)

I suppose I’m looking for the same results as the “My Tag” feature in Rekordbox


Any pointers greatly received.


Posted Thu 21 Jan 21 @ 8:07 pm
Currently you can't, unless you edit the tag manually.

I AM working on code that will allow multiple selection but it's extraordinary complex.

Once I have it in place I will update the skin, but there's going to be one drawback...
You won't be able to remove or add new categories. You'll be able only to rename the existing ones.

Posted Thu 21 Jan 21 @ 8:38 pm
PhantomDeejay wrote :
Currently you can't, unless you edit the tag manually.

I AM working on code that will allow multiple selection but it's extraordinary complex.

Once I have it in place I will update the skin, but there's going to be one drawback...
You won't be able to remove or add new categories. You'll be able only to rename the existing ones.

Brilliant, look forward to it - Well I'm a little bit more further forward than I was yesterday so all good!

Posted Fri 22 Jan 21 @ 5:39 am
This is the best skin ever!! Please don't' change it too much

Posted Sun 24 Jan 21 @ 4:55 am
How do you switch decks with the keyboard? The default "Tab button" doesn't work, but works on the original skin.

Posted Fri 29 Jan 21 @ 6:38 pm