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Forum: Addons

Topic: Reloop Touch Skin - Page: 2
Issue Resolved, It was under Windows Display Settings. Had to choose the option "Extend These Displays" not Mirror. Sorry for the issues everyone. Thanks for you time <3

Posted Sat 18 Jul 20 @ 8:02 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
In that case check your windows display settings, and make sure it is set to Extend instead of Clone.

Posted Sat 18 Jul 20 @ 8:02 am
Ohni S. wrote :
the files are long gone

Maybe you should start keeping backups?


Posted Sat 18 Jul 20 @ 8:08 am
DGianiiHome userMember since 2023
I'm really disappointed

Posted Sat 07 Oct 23 @ 11:23 am
DGianii wrote :
I'm really disappointed

You don't like your Reloop Touch controller?
It is an aging controller now - I still have mine, though

Posted Sat 07 Oct 23 @ 11:33 am